Split karangan M.Night Shyamalan merupakan refleksi kebutuhan bertingkat yang mungkin terjadi di masyarakat sekarang ini. Key words: Characterization, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Kevin Wendell’s Characters Night Shyamalan as main source and supported by theory book related to research concept. This research type is literature, that is method which use research materials from Split film by M. The analytical method used in this research with the literary approach with intrinsic elements are applied through the concept of characterization, story line, and background, and with extrinsic element through psychology approach using the theory of needs of stratified by Abraham Maslow. As happened to the character Kevin Wendell Crumb who does not have enough affection from the family and leads to a complicated life. The role of parents in providing life lessons for children at an early age is very important for the behavior at a later stage of age.
This study is made to analyze and show how the environment, especially the family greatly affect the growth and mindset of a person. Split written by M.Night Shyamalan is a reflection of the hierarchy of needs that might be happened in today's society.